December 2011

في ثلاجة الموتى في القصر العيني‎

By | 2017-09-08T05:47:30+00:00 December 17th, 2011|Uncategorized|

16 ديسمبر - بعد منتصف الليل. الخرم في ظهر أشرف صغير جداً. عند قلبه تقريباً. مطرح ما الرصاصة خرجت. من كتر ما كان صغير مكنتش مصدق إنه ممكن يقتل.. بس مش عايز كلب يقوللي إن [...]

The Gulf Tour

By | 2011-12-05T22:24:23+00:00 December 5th, 2011|Uncategorized|

Friends, I am currently in Dubai as an invited speaker at the Arab Thought Foundation 10th Annual Conference. Earlier today (well yesterday technically) I spoke on a panel on the Economic Challenges of the Arab [...]

The Ikhwanmobile

By | 2017-09-08T05:46:34+00:00 December 4th, 2011|Uncategorized|

As in "automobile", not "mobile phone". (Think Batmobile). There are several, actually - these are photos I took myself in the past couple of days:   03 December 2011 (less than two days before the [...]

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