August 2012

The devil has a face

By | 2017-09-08T05:33:09+00:00 August 31st, 2012|Uncategorized|

  Horrifying picture of Israeli settlers terrorising a Palestinian woman in East Jerusalem. Look particularly at the second settler from the right. Try to imagine what kind of hatred brought him to this woman's home, [...]

Egypt’s foreign relations, in light of the new Morsi-SCAF dance – Yale Global Magazine

By | 2017-09-08T05:33:28+00:00 August 22nd, 2012|Uncategorized|

 Update:  Republished in Real Clear World Republished in Outlook India (under the title “Morsi’s Code”, which I like!) Republished in Khaleej Times ——————— Morsi, with a moderate stance, could signal a more active Egypt in [...]

Made in the USA

By | 2017-09-08T05:34:14+00:00 August 5th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Stumbled upon this t-shirt design, obviously written on a computer that can't handle Arabic characters.   I love the "Made in the USA" stamp is proudly displayed though. :-P I'd love to see someone wearing [...]

NiTON: Nations in Transition Olympic News

By | 2012-08-02T01:00:37+00:00 August 2nd, 2012|Uncategorized|

On South Sudan’s flag, Egypt’s uniforms, Saudi Arabia’s female athletes, Ramadan, the minute of silence, and Malaysia’s pregnant athlete. All in one friendly article! Their budgets may be a tad tighter and their delegations smaller, [...]

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