March 2013

Just how much are Qaddafi supporters worth to Egypt?

By | 2013-03-27T22:34:51+00:00 March 27th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Crossposted on Foreign Policy Transitions. Mubarak's Egypt was one of the CIA's favorite destinations under their "extraordinary rendition"  program: A human rights-free zone where torture at the CIA's hands, hampered by delicate legislation, was supervised by the chief of [...]

Did Chokri Belaid die for nothing?

By | 2013-03-11T20:43:27+00:00 March 11th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Crossposted on Foreign Policy: Transitions.     What has changed in Tunisia since opposition leader Chokri Belaid was assassinated? I’ve asked many Tunisian friends that question. Most remained silent for a few seconds, smiled sadly, [...]

Do the Ikhwan Shake!

By | 2013-03-08T17:17:56+00:00 March 8th, 2013|Uncategorized|

In North Africa, there's more to the Harlem Shake than, well, Shaking: it is, for a new generation of youngsters, their first act of political rebellion too. Posted on Foreign Policy Magazine: Transitions.     [...]

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